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Chris W

Pineapple 45 Adapter

Remix Model
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Pineapple 45 Adapter 3d model
Pineapple 45 Adapter 3d model
Pineapple 45 Adapter 3d model
Pineapple 45 Adapter 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
17 Likes17 DownloadsJuly 25, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

A 45rpm record adapter in the shape of a pineapple top. Use this as a vinyl record topper or 45 record adapter. This 3D model presents a geometrically designed pineapple, known for their tropical touch and sweet presence. Depicting the unmistakable geometric skin and the leafy crown, the design embodies a realistically appealing sculpture of the well-known fruit.

Print at .2 layer height with a 15% infill. You can use organic supports with a overhang threshold of 20°, if you want. Seems to work without supports too.

Filament color swap at 0mm Gold/Tan 19.8mm Green

Creative Commons License 4.0 BY-NC-ND

17 Likes17 DownloadsJuly 25, 2023

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
17 Likes17 DownloadsJuly 25, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.