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Chris W

PETG Filament Spool Reel Edges

Remix Model
PETG Filament Spool Reel Edges 3d model
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18 Likes8 DownloadsDecember 31, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

Simple 200mm long egde for rough plywood shelves to keep your spool reels of filament from falling off and to create an nice clean edge. Comes in 18.2mm, 17.2mm, 16.2mm, and 15.2mm (slot width) sizes. 1 200mm section supports approximately 3 1kg spool reels of filament.

Edge reads "PETG FILAMENT"

Print with 3 perimeter walls and at least 15% infill for strength and print quality.

Swap filament color at 0.6mm to change the text color.

Creative Commons License BY-NC-ND 4.0 A commercial license to sell these prints is available by subscribing to my Thangs Commercial Partner membership plan.

18 Likes8 DownloadsDecember 31, 2023

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
18 Likes8 DownloadsDecember 31, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.