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Cute Flexi Fox & Felicia Day Collab

Cute Flexi Fox & Felicia Day Collab

Thank you SO MUCH for your support over the past few months!

I've been doing a lot more experimenting, deviating a bit from the original Snap-Flex models I started with, so I appreciate your continued support throughout the whole process.

I've been testing out a few variations on the Snap-Flex joint, and I figured I should incorporate one variation into my newest designs. This articulated fox mixes together aspects of my Pug design with one of the Snap-Flex variants:

Articulated Fox

1000002080.jpgThis Fox has a Snap-Flex tail and regular flexi legs, allowing you to pose it in a few fun positions. Please let me know if you'd like to see more models like this 😁

Felicia Day Collab:

One other reason I've been a bit quiet lately is because I've been working on a fun new project for Felicia Day's new Thangs membership! I've really enjoyed working with Felicia and several other amazing designers.

Felicia wanted to create a party spider as a fun print to share with her daughter. I was more than happy to help since I've been wanting to make spiders for a long time now.

I had been putting off designing spiders because I knew it would be a LOT of work to get the Snap-Flex right with 8 legs, so this project was an amazing opportunity to push forward and make it work.

Webmaster Fred is available as part of Felicia Day's new Thangs membership.

1000002114.pngWhile I unfortunately can't offer this particular model as part of the Mimetics3d membership, the design techniques and tricks I've honed along the way will definitely contribute to future Mimetics3D designs.

Special thanks to cara.curley for the AMAZING graphic design work on the images for Felicia's models.

I have a few fun models in store for the coming weeks, and a LOT to get done. So I need to get back to work πŸ˜…

I'm really excited to hear your thoughts on the upcoming models!

Thanks again for sticking with me. I really appreciate all of your support! πŸ₯°

Talk to you soon!

~Tom (Mimetics3D)


Paul P

Love this!