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Colby G

Midtown Manhattan Map

Remix Model
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Midtown Manhattan Map 3d model
Midtown Manhattan Map 3d model
Midtown Manhattan Map 3d model
21 Likes236 DownloadsMarch 12, 2024

This is the most detailed 3D map you will find. I have developed a way to create 3D city maps in collaboration with Micropolitan that has roads, Water cutouts, and the highest detail building data available.

This is a collaboration that goes back over a year, and this is the first map we are releasing to the ForgeCore catalog. If you guys are interested in seeing more maps, please let me know! We can work on creating an entire city map collection over time. But please let me know if that's something you want, because it will be an expensive process for me, but i'm willing to do it for my members!

Printing Tips: You can pretty much just use stock settings for these prints! I used stock settings on my bambu for this.


21 Likes236 DownloadsMarch 12, 2024

21 Likes236 DownloadsMarch 12, 2024