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Chuck H

Creality K1 and K1 Max Cura Profile

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Creality K1 and K1 Max Cura Profile 3d model
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239 Likes3.9K DownloadsDecember 1, 2023

This is the Filament Friday Cura profile for the K1 and K1 Max. This will allow you to use the features of Cura with your K1 or K1 Max. This is still a beta and still being worked on but it can be used to make your own custom profiles.

You can import the profile (requires a Creality Machine profile) or just open the project file to load both the profile and the machine profile into Cura.

239 Likes3.9K DownloadsDecember 1, 2023

239 Likes3.9K DownloadsDecember 1, 2023