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Let's Paint Minis - Monroe, WA

Let's Paint Minis - Monroe, WA

Join The Nailon Realm and Shielded Grounds for this miniatures painting event where you can practice your painting skills, meet other gaming enthusiasts, and take your creations home with you.

Just $10 gets you 2 minis of your choice (there will be more than twenty 3D-printed sculpts to choose from!), along with all the supplies that you'll need including paint, brushes, palettes, water cups, paper towels, etc. Just bring yourself and a friend or two!

Show up anytime and stay as long as you want. Have a seat at the provided tables and spend as much or as little time as you like perfecting your artwork. We will be there painting right alongside you, and we'll be available for help and tips.

We recommend buying a delicious cup of coffee from the host to go along with your painting -- just make sure you keep it separate from your paint water XD

RSVP on our Facebook event page:
